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Cappuccino, ITC Park Sheraton

This place has been a refuge camp for late nighters since God knows how long! And a place for star spotting post midnight. The star spotting has reduced considerably, though there are those who still swear by this place, but its more grandiose cousin, the Grand Chola, has definitely taken away some of its spotlight. But after a rather sad experience in a new Palace Hotel, we found the comfort here rather welcoming.

The place was almost empty at about 11 PM, so getting a table was a non-issue. The big bunch was tired and irritated and so the orders were placed rather quickly. For the first time, out of the eight, five of them chose to go the easy way and get a set meal. So two Chinese set meals, two Indian set meal, a sea food set meal finished the set meal orders, while I wanted to try their burger and my old favourite, the bolognese pasta and one person ended up with a 'Raliway' gravy that was served with rice and there is an option of having it with Indian Breads. The burger was a very comfort burger, and it has certainly dropped a few notches from what it was before, but the bolognese pasta was outstanding and liked clean!

I was looking at a Cappuccino set meal for the first time, so I thought it was reasonably well done. Decent portions, not a wide range of flavours, and I believe they wanted it that way. With five of them not in the mood for dessert, three of us shared a coffee creme brule Everybody was happy with their respective dishes, none of it was outstanding except the pasta, none of it was bad, service was excellent and I guess this makes it a 5 star adda!!! 5 star comfort food if you call it that! 


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