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What better name for a Tex Mex Restaurant!?! A chilli, an exceptionally hot chilli, produced largely in Mexico today and used extensively in Mexican cuisine. While Tex Mex is the Texas version of Mexican cuisine, there is quite some similarity and large differences between the two. OK, what's there in a name? The rose would still smell the same under any other name, isn't it? Now, who is the poet who said that? Never mind. OK, Habanero might be a better name for Mexican and a not so apt for Tex Mex. Moving on.

We were in a hurry, but I was adamant. I haven't had good Mexican flavours in a while and so we decided that we will get one dish each and leave. So we tasted only two dishes in the restaurant and while that is no way to judge any place, we quite liked it. So which two dishes? There was a buffet priced at Rs. 499, with a live Taco counter et all, but we stuck to a-la-carte. Remember? Time only for 2 dishes. So we narrowed it down to Nachos and Fajita.

The nachos arrived first. Smothered with guacamole and veggies and sour cream and salsa and grilled chicken, it was quite nice. Not as nice as having it abroad, but hey, everything from water to the chilly to the ingredients are different, so I'll cut some slack. The nachos was my friend's order and he liked it so much that he gave two mouthfuls with a grudge! And then my fajita arrived grandly on a sizzler, a plate loaded with toppings and a box with three tortillas (yeah, corn roti), very similar to how it is served in Hard Rock Cafe. It was my turn to grudge and I made one roll for him while I rolled up two for myself. Fajita's is almost like paav bhaji when it comes to the quantity of the bhaji to the pav. You always have to ask for extra pav. Why can't they just give you two more? Ditto with fajita. There was enough filling to roll up 4 or even 5 fajitas, but they gave only 3 tortillas. I ate the remaining with a fork and spoon. Oh yeah, it was quite nice too and since I rolled it up the way I like it, there was nothing to complain. The quantity of both the dishes were very satisfactory.

Since any place that served alcohol attracts that extra tax, we had to pay a service tax, a VAT on the bill, so essentially, about 25% more for tax. I don't remember if they charged us a service charge, but the bill was about Rs. 750 for the three dishes. Service was very polite and friendly and the menu tells us the story of the restaurant. An Indian boy and an American girl met, fell in love, married, decided to come back to India, gave up their corporate careers, roped in a chef and established this restaurant.

I was at the Koramangala Branch, but they have two more in Bangalore. Sadly, I heard from one of their consultants that Habanero's entry into Chennai is delayed for now. Maybe forever. Sigh!!!

1 comment:

  1. Never have I had such a pathetic experience in a restaurant in my life. Went with my family and waited for nearly two hours to get food. The waiters had no clue of what they were doing - they kept bringing food belonging to other tables to us my mistake. After 2 hours they got some soup and starters after which again there was a long wait (about 20mins). I requested them to give us the tab which they did pretty quickly (about 1 minute). Thereafter the waiter swiped my card and said the credit card machine is not working. I was really upset by this time and just paid the money by cash (they never bothered to return the change assuming I was tipping them for the pathetic service. Within a minute I got an sms from my ban that the credit card has been charged. When I showed them the SMS the waiter said to go speak to then bank ask for a refund. I haven't seen a team so discourteous in my life. I even went and tried to complain to the owner (a tall gentleman who stated his name of was Dan) but then he was not able to do much and said sorry which I accepted. The food that came to us was cold and the material used seemed very stale to me. JUST STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE - THEY ARE NOT ORGANIZED AND WILL JUST MAKE IT A HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE FOR YOU


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