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Christmas with Park Hyatt

This is the best festive season of the year! Everything from cakes to wild parties to sober evenings and special Sunday brunches are all here. I am starting off the list of Christmas events with the events at Park Hyatt. Watch this space for more from other places!

If I go, I will update on how it was!!!

There is something truly special about Christmas, when the world slows its speed, and, gets ready to celebrate with family and friends in the true spirit of the season. Gifts are exchanged and there is much to look forward to, with a certain festive air. At Park Hyatt Chennai, this year there will be a giant gift that we will be gifted to the city of Chennai. The Flying Elephant all wrapped up in a celebratory fashion, holding many promises in the spirit of Christmas, will be done up like a giant Christmas present, appearing as true testimony to the festivities that guests may look forward to. The Menu, especially during the festive brunches starting on the 30th November and through till Christmas on all the Sundays will have highlights from the festive season like Roast Turkey among others. This is our way to usher in the festive season.

Heightening the pleasures of the festive season, will be a Santa dashing through the hotel, in
festive gear ringing his bell , but only as a teaser as guests watch out in anticipation to meet
Santa Claus in person, on Christmas Day. Glimpses of Santa at Park Hyatt Chennai is another
thing to watch out for.

An innovative box-like Christmas Tree, in red and white with an improvised assimilation by the
hotel team will be up on the 30th November as a hallmark of the festive celebrations, along with
Christmas Hamper Sale at the Christmas Confectionary which starts on the 1st have a wide range of choices starting from mince pies, stollen, yule logs and Christmas Cookies and plum cakes. Christmas Take-aways are our special tribute to the customary exchange of sweet treats during the festive season.
Festive Brunches on Sundays starting on the 30th November will have our junior guests perking
up their little ginger bread houses and indulging in other Christmas activities, while their parents
sip on warm, mulled wine that will be specially served every Sunday. With special highlights in
the menu by our team of Chefs, guests may expect a real feel of Christmas on the afternoon of
25th December when we serve our specially crafted, lavish Christmas Menu.
And, as the strains of Christmas carols sung by the hotel choir waft through the hotel lobby
every evening, guests will be filled with the festive spirit and feel that ‘tis really the season to be
For details and reservations, please call Park Hyatt Chennai- on 044 71771234.


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