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Double Roti

Not even in my wildest dreams would I have attributed Double Roti to mean the two breads between which the burger patty is stuck. Or the two breads between which fillings are stuffed and made into sandwiches. I might have thought of Double Roti as a Punjabi restaurant. Or a North Indian restaurant!!! Until a friend told me they served the best burgers in town, I wouldn't have cared about a restaurant enough to want to land there within the next few minutes.

My foodie friends warned me not to leave them and go. But none of them were available on short notice for a place that claims to serve awesome burgers. I mean, common. What can possibly be more important in life? So, I ditched them!!!! I know after reading this they will be ready with some bats to beat me up, but I am willing to take that. And they don't know what they are missing.

The first thing (ok, after getting seated) I noticed is the efficient use of space. While tables were pretty close to each other, it did not feel like your neighbouring table was eating your food. I loved this. The menu is quirky and though not extensive, has made a simple menu interesting to read. I went straight for the burger and then we decided to order the rest.

Nutty Shake. Lovely, just the right thickness and temperature for Chennai's summer. Felt like a Snicker's shake, but that's got nuts too, so no complaints. Loved it. They have a ripped version of New York Fries and we had Fries with Chicken sausage. It was very very, but if I have to nitpick, I'd say, I would have liked a little more sauce in it. Otherwise lovely.

Then the hero. The burger they call, Barely Legal. For quite some time, my only source of comfort for a consistently good burger was Sandy's. Then Brick House Bistro joined the party. And now, Double Roti. The burger was as juicy and as flavourful as it can get in this price range of Rs. 275. I want to try their Illegal burger which is Rs. 375 next time. (I mean, like in a few minutes. I am hungry and craving for it as I write this, so I plan to go there).

We were a little hungry after that, so we decided to try Maggie. Yes, Maggie. 2 minute Maggie noodles, but the souped up restaurant version. I guess once in a while it is okay to let a chef whip you up maggie that is different from what mummy makes. We had the Punjabi Maggie, which is Maggie in its original tastemaker, but with curried chicken on top. Loved it! We finished off with a pineapple popsicle, which at Rs. 60 is the only, non VFM on the menu.

The bill for all of this was Rs. 805. Their credit card machine didn't work and I didn't have cash on me. The service was friendly all along, but when it came to commerce, it actually got friendlier. They didn't ask me to leave my watch or car as security. He asked to me to send cash with somebody whenever I could. The service was so friendly, that I went myself the next day, hoping they will give me a burger for the trouble I took to come back and pay. Nope, they didn't! Nice try though.

Double Roti is located in Cenetoph Road, First Lane, bang opposite the Malaysian Consulate.

Foodie Friends, I am willing to accept the same punishment you gave Shady for visiting a few places leaving us claiming to have exams and am willing to offer the same apology he tendered. Which means, I don't have to do anything. :-)


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