Crab Doughnuts. We ordered the already famous "crab doughnuts". It's savory kind of profiteroles stuffed with white crab meat & dredged with something that mostly involves our tricksy old pal, maltodextrin. And fingers of cakey cornbread, with whipped butter sweetened with maple syrup & kissed with chipotle. Chiltern Firehouse celebrates contemporary, ingredient-focused cooking, with an underlying American accent. Michelin-starred chef Nuno Mendes draws on a career split between the United States and Europe to create a changing menu of reimagined classics and bold new flavours, with an emphasis on seasonality and healthy eating. Rating: 4/5 PC: @arbaz_siddique Place: Chiltern Firehouse City: London (UK) . . . #foodblogeats #foodstagram #foodblogger #foodlover #food52 #solondon #londonfood #londondoodle #londonfoodies #londonfoodblog #londonfoodblogger #london4all #chilternfirehouse #chilternfirehouselondon #crab #crabdoughnuts #londonlife #the_hungry_forkvia Instagram